Based on the billing information managed in kintone, invoices are created in freee.
You can manage item details in a subtable within kintone and create invoice details based on that information.
■Creation Method
① When the status in kintone is updated via an app trigger (Webhook activation), select an action, configure the following settings, and save.
・Copy the Webhook URL and configure the Webhook settings on the kintone side.
・Actually change the status, return to the Yoom trigger settings screen, conduct a test, and confirm whether the request was successful.
※ It is recommended to use Webhook activation, which has a small time lag between status change and trigger activation.
※ For kintone Webhook settings, please refer to this link. https://intercom.help/yoom/ja/articles/5974741
② Press the + mark under the trigger, select the branching operation, configure the following settings, and save.
・Operation: Select the trigger set in ①.
・Output: Select the status.
・Condition: Select "not equal to."
・Value: Enter the status name you want to trigger the flow, such as sending an invoice.
※ By doing this, the flow proceeds to the next step only if it equals the set status; otherwise, the flow ends at that point.
③ Press the + mark, select kintone from the operations that manipulate the database, input the target app ID, select the action to retrieve records, configure the following settings, conduct a test, and save.
・Set the search condition to equal the record number, and embed the record ID obtained in ① as {{Record ID}}. ※ For details on dynamically embedding output, please refer to this link. https://intercom.help/yoom/ja/articles/8223528
④ Press the + mark, select kintone from the operations that manipulate the database, select the action to retrieve multiple subtables of a specific record, choose the specified app ID and target subtable field code from the options, configure the following settings, conduct a test, and save.
・Set the target record condition to equal the record ID, and embed the record number obtained in the trigger of ① as {{Record Number}}.
・Set the condition for the rows of the subtable you want to retrieve to ensure that columns with values (such as item names) are not empty, so that all target table data can be retrieved.
⑤ Press the + mark, select the search action for business partners from the operations that integrate with apps, choose freee accounting, configure the following settings, conduct a test, and save.
・Business ID: Select the specified business ID from the options.
・Search Keyword: Embed the company name obtained in the record retrieval of ③.
⑥ Press the + mark, select the action to create an invoice (specifying detail rows in a list) from the operations that integrate with apps, choose freee invoice, configure the following settings, conduct a test, save, and complete the setup.
・Business ID: Select the specified business ID from the options.
・Business Partner ID: Embed the business partner ID obtained in the business partner search of ⑤.
・Detail Information (such as items): Embed the item and unit price information obtained in the table information retrieval of ④.
※ For other optional items, directly input or embed the content obtained from kintone as needed.
・It is necessary to register the business partner in freee in advance.
・Since the company name is used to match information between kintone and freee, ensure that the business partner names in kintone and freee match.