・This is a flow where once a provisional application response is made on the Yoom form, the main application documents are sent using CloudSign.
・You can automate the sending of application documents starting from the form response.
・It is necessary to register (link) with the My Apps of the app you will use in advance. Below is a reference guide for linking.
※ There may not be a detailed guide available for apps that can be linked simply.
・Create a template for the application documents in CloudSign in advance. Also, set the fields that the sender needs to fill in as necessary.
This will be a form to select the plan to be contracted this time, and it is set to reflect the content in CloudSign.
■Creation Method
① Select the form trigger, set the following, and save.
・Each question item: Set the question items such as name, contact information, and list of plans you want to contract for the application form.
・Obtained values: You can enter demo values on the next page. Please enter demo values as they will be used in the subsequent test.
※ For details on form settings, please refer here. https://intercom.help/yoom/ja/articles/8009267
② Press the + mark under the trigger, select CloudSign from the operations to link with the app, perform the following settings, and test and save.
・Action: Create document
・Document title: Give an arbitrary title. You can also embed the values obtained in ①. (Embed the output)
・Template ID: Check and paste the template ID of CloudSign prepared in advance on CloudSign.
・Test 1: After the test, press the + mark next to the id in the files item from the response result displayed, and add the file ID to the output.
(Add output using JSON PATH)
・Test 2: After the test, press the + mark next to the widget id in the section for entering plan names, etc., in the widgets item from the response result displayed, and add the widget ID to the output. (Add output using JSON PATH)
※ For embedding output, please refer here. https://intercom.help/yoom/ja/articles/8223528
※ For the method of adding output using JSON PATH, please refer here. https://intercom.help/yoom/ja/articles/5404443
③ Press the + mark, select CloudSign from the operations to link with the app, perform the following settings, and test and save.
・Action: Add recipient
・Document ID: Embed the document ID obtained in ② like {{Document ID}}.
・Email address: Embed the value obtained in ①.
・Recipient name: Embed the value obtained in ①.
④ Press the + mark, select CloudSign from the operations to link with the app, perform the following settings, and test and save.
・Action: Update input field values
・Document ID: Embed the document ID obtained in ② like {{Document ID}}.
・File ID: Embed the file ID obtained using JSON PATH in ②.
・Input field ID: Embed the widget ID obtained using JSON PATH in ②.
・Text: Embed the response content obtained in ①.
By doing this, you can directly reflect the form response content in the CloudSign template.
⑤ Press the + mark, select CloudSign from the operations to link with the app, perform the following settings, and save.
・Execute action: Send document and remind
・Document ID: Embed the document ID obtained in ② like {{Document ID}}.
※ Please note that it will actually be sent if you test it.
■Related Pages
・For basic setup methods using CloudSign, please refer here. https://intercom.help/yoom/ja/articles/5499635