Once the document signing is completed in CloudSign, the specified HubSpot deal stage will be automatically updated.
The deal stage to be updated can be changed to any value.
◼️Setup Method
1. Please link each of the HubSpot and CloudSign apps with Yoom. (My App Integration)
2. Set up the linked account information with the trigger "When document signing is completed" in CloudSign.
3. Use the operation "Extract HubSpot Deal ID from Document Title" to obtain the deal ID.
4. Therefore, please ensure to include the HubSpot deal ID in the document name or similar when sending documents via CloudSign.
5. In HubSpot's "Update Deal Stage" operation, search for the target deal based on the information obtained from CloudSign and update the stage.
6. If necessary, you can also update other information related to the deal.
7. Once the setup is complete, change the trigger to ON at the end.
・It is necessary to set up the account information for integration in each app's operation.
・Please replace the HubSpot setup information with any desired values for use.
・Since it is necessary to extract information such as the HubSpot deal ID from the document information in CloudSign, please include this information when sending documents via CloudSign.