When there is an application through the form, add the response content to Microsoft Excel, send a notification in Chatwork, and send a thank you email.

No items found.


When a response is submitted to the Yoom form, the information is accumulated in Microsoft Excel, and notifications are sent to chat and email.

With just the form responses, data accumulation, sharing in chat, and thank-you emails are possible.


・Pre-registration (integration) with the apps to be used is required. The following is a reference guide for integration.

※ There may not be a detailed guide for apps that can be integrated simply.


・Prepare Microsoft Excel to accumulate application information in advance.

■The Microsoft Excel used for accumulation (view-only access. Please copy if you wish to use it.)


■Creation Method

① Select the form trigger, set the following, and save.

・Each question item: Set necessary question items such as name, contact information, address, and prize information for the application form.

・Acquired values: You can enter demo values on the next page. Please enter demo values as they will be used in the subsequent test.

※ For detailed form settings, please refer here. https://intercom.help/yoom/ja/articles/8009267

② Press the + mark under the trigger, select Chatwork from the operations to integrate with the app, and perform the following settings, test, and save.

・Action: Send a message

・Room ID: Click the field and select the room you want to send to from the displayed candidates.

・Message content: Enter any message. You can also embed the values obtained in ① as shown below. (Embed the output)

※ For embedding output, please refer here. https://intercom.help/yoom/ja/articles/8223528


An application has been received.


・Name: {{お名前}}

・Prize: {{ほしい景品}}



③ Press the + mark, select the operation to send an email, choose any email tool, and perform the following settings and save.

・To: Embed if the address was obtained in ①.

・Subject, Body: Enter each. You can also embed the values obtained in ① as shown below.

・Attachment: Select to use output and choose the issued document as the value.

※ For details on the operation to send an email, please refer here. https://intercom.help/yoom/ja/articles/5462307


{{お名前}} 様

Thank you for applying for the prize.

Your desired prize: {{ほしい景品}}

We will ship it to the address you provided within a week.

※ If there is any mistake in the address below, please reply to this email.



④ Press the + mark, select Microsoft Excel from the operations to manipulate the database, and perform the following settings, test, and save.

・Execution action: Add a record

・File storage location: Select OneDrive or SharePoint where the target Microsoft Excel is stored.

・Drive ID/Site ID: Click the field and select the drive ID for OneDrive or the site ID for SharePoint.

・Item ID: Click the field and select the Microsoft Excel you want to issue a document from the candidates.

・File name (optional): If the item is not displayed in the item ID, enter the file name here and select the item ID again.

・Sheet name: Click the field and select the target sheet from the candidates.

・Table range: Enter the target range including column names. In this example, it is set as A1:F.

・Values of the record to be added: Embed using the output obtained in ① corresponding to the displayed column names.

Also, if there is a column for a sent flag, you can enter a fixed value such as "sent" by manually entering the predetermined text.

※ For details on the operation to manipulate the Microsoft Excel database, please refer here. https://intercom.help/yoom/ja/articles/9003081


・Integration with Microsoft services is limited to Microsoft365 online services and can be used with the specified plan by Microsoft.

※ For details, please refer here. https://intercom.help/yoom/ja/articles/8064544

How to request materials and apply for a demo
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What is Yoom hyperautomation?
Conventional RPA can only automate simple repetitive tasks, and the setup process was very complicated.
With “hyperautomation,” which combines various technologies such as AI, API, RPA, and OCR, it is possible to automate many tasks that could not be realized until now more easily than before.
Don't Just Connect Apps—Automate Everything
Most tools simply connect one app to another, leaving the complex tasks to you. Yoom goes much further: From document creation and browser automation to OCR and generative AI, Yoom handles it all seamlessly in one platform.

Why settle for basic integrations? Streamline your entire workflow with Yoom’s powerful hyperautomation.
Learn more about Yoom
About the Apps You Use
 Templates using
Templates using
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel
Templates using
About the apps you use
Yoom allows you to integrate with Chatwork's API without any coding, enabling the automation of various tasks. You can automatically send messages and files to Chatwork or add tasks to specific rooms. Additionally, it is possible to link information from various SaaS platforms such as kintone, Salesforce, and CloudSign to Chatwork.
see details
Yoom allows you to integrate with Gmail's API without code and automate email sending from Gmail. You can automatically create and send invoices and contracts via Gmail, or automatically reply to inquiries.
see details
Microsoft Excel
Yoom allows you to integrate with Microsoft Excel's API without any code, enabling the automation of various tasks. For example, it can automatically store values in specific Excel cells or create sheets and tables automatically.
see details
API Actions That can be No-Code
Executable API actions
Flowbot triggers
    Flowbot operations
      Flowbot triggers
        Flowbot operations
          Flowbot triggers
            Flowbot operations
              Flowbot triggers
                Flowbot operations
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