Issue and send the contract once the application is approved in Jobcan Workflow.

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When an application is approved in Jobcan Workflow, a contract is created based on a Google Document template and a PDF is sent to the email address provided at the time of the workflow application.
It is possible to automate the process from approval to sending the invoice via email.


Prepare an invoice template in advance using documents or spreadsheets. In this example, we use a document as an example.

Please refer to here when creating a template.

◼️Setup Method

① Select Jobcan Expense Management/Workflow from the app trigger, perform the following settings, and test/save.

・Action: Select "When an application with a specific title is approved".

・Trigger Interval: Set to 5 minutes.

・Application Title: Enter the specified title.

② Press the + mark, select Jobcan Expense Management/Workflow from the operation to link with the app, and test/save after the following settings.

・Action: Select "Get application details".

・Application ID: Embed the application ID obtained in step ① as {{Application ID}}.

※ For details on dynamically embedding output, please refer to here.

③ Press the + mark, select Google Document from the operation to issue a document, perform the following settings, and test/save.

・Document File ID: Select the document ID of the prepared invoice template from the options.

・Google Drive Folder ID for Storage: Select the folder ID in Google Drive where the PDF and original document will be stored after issuing the document from the options.

・Output File Name: Set an arbitrary file name.

・String to Replace: Press "Get string to replace", display the list of strings to replace, and embed the corresponding values using the output obtained in step ②.

※ For details on document issuance settings, please refer to here.

④ Press the + mark, perform the following settings from the operation to send an email, and save.

・Email Type: Select an arbitrary email service.

・To: Embed the email address extracted in step ②.

・Subject/Body: Enter arbitrary text.

It is also possible to embed names obtained in step ② and vary them for each email.

・Attachment: Use the output and select the issued document.


・It is necessary to set up account information for integration in each app operation.

・For integration (My App Registration), please refer to here.

・Please replace the setting information for each operation (contract template information, email text, etc.) with arbitrary values for use.

How to request materials and apply for a demo
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What is Yoom hyperautomation?
Conventional RPA can only automate simple repetitive tasks, and the setup process was very complicated.
With “hyperautomation,” which combines various technologies such as AI, API, RPA, and OCR, it is possible to automate many tasks that could not be realized until now more easily than before.
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Most tools simply connect one app to another, leaving the complex tasks to you. Yoom goes much further: From document creation and browser automation to OCR and generative AI, Yoom handles it all seamlessly in one platform.

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About the Apps You Use
Jobcan Expense Management & Workflow
Jobcan Expense Management & Workflow
 Templates using
Google Docs
Google Docs
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About the apps you use
Jobcan Expense Management & Workflow
At Yoom, you can utilize the Jobcan Expense Reimbursement and Workflow API without any coding. It's possible to send notifications to Slack or Chatwork triggered by approvals in Jobcan, or to integrate application details with other SaaS platforms. Additionally, you can synchronize Jobcan application details with Yoom's database.
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Google Docs
Yoom allows you to utilize the Google Docs API without any coding. By integrating Yoom with Google Docs, you can automatically create PDF documents such as contracts based on templates created in Google Docs and connect the generated documents with various SaaS platforms.
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