When a new issue is created in GitHub, it will automatically be added as an Asana task.
You can automatically expand data without accessing the tool where you want to add the issue.
◼️Setup Instructions
① Select GitHub from the app triggers, perform the following settings, and then test and save.
・Trigger Action: Select "When a new issue is created."
・Trigger Interval: Generally set to the shortest interval of 5 minutes.
・Owner Name: Copy and paste the owner name from "https://github.com/{owner}/{repository}/issues/{issue number}".
・Repository Name: Copy and paste the repository name from "https://github.com/{owner}/{repository}/issues/{issue number}".
② From the + mark under the trigger, select Asana in the operation to integrate with the app, perform the following settings, test, save, and complete.
・Action: Select "Add Task."
・Task Name: Enter a task name of your choice.
You can also embed using the output of the issue obtained in step ①.
・Page ID: Select the specified page ID from the options.
・Section ID: Select the specified section ID from the options.
・Assignee's Email Address: Enter the specified assignee's email address.
・Other Optional Fields: Enter necessary information in other optional fields.
You can also embed using the output of the issue obtained in step ①.
※ For details on how to dynamically use the output, click here
・Integration settings with a GitHub account are required.
・Integration settings with an Asana account are required.
・Replace the settings information of the Asana task creation operation with values of your choice.
・For registering your app, please refer to here.