When a new Issue is created on GitHub, the information is automatically retrieved and added to a Notion database.
It is possible to automatically expand the data without accessing the database you want to add to.
Prepare a page in Notion to add GitHub Issue data in advance.
The actual page image can be found here
■Setup Method
① Select GitHub from the app trigger and perform the following settings, then test and save.
・Trigger Action: Select "When a new issue is created".
・Trigger Interval: Basically set to the shortest interval of 5 minutes.
・Owner Name: Copy and paste the owner name from "https://github.com/{owner name}/{repository name}/issues/{Issue number}".
・Repository Name: Copy and paste the repository name from "https://github.com/{owner name}/{repository name}/issues/{Issue number}".
② From the + mark under the trigger, select Notion in the operation to link with the app, perform the following settings, test, save, and complete.
・Action: Select "Add text to page".
・Page ID: Copy and paste the page ID (a combination of numbers and letters) found in the URL of the specified page.
・Content: Enter the content you want to add to the page.
Embedding is also possible using the output of the Issue obtained in ①.
※ For details on setting up dynamic use of output, see here
・Integration settings with GitHub account and Notion account are required.
・For common errors with Notion integration, see here