When a new contract is concluded with CloudSign, the contract details are read using AI operations, the relevant status in kintone is automatically updated, and a notification is sent to Slack.
Information can be automatically transcribed and accumulated without accessing CloudSign or database tools like kintone.
The content of contract reading and Slack notifications can be customized.
・Prepare an app in kintone in advance to transcribe CloudSign contract information.
※ Set up fields such as contract status to distinguish between concluded and not concluded.
■Setup Method
① Select CloudSign from the app trigger, configure the following settings, and save.
・Select "Document signing completed" from the actions.
・Set the launch interval to 5 minutes on the next page and press test.
※ If you have not yet concluded a contract on CloudSign, an error will occur during testing, so if possible, conduct a demo signing and then test again.
② From the + mark under the trigger, select the operation to integrate with the app, press CloudSign, configure the following settings, and test/save.
・Action: Obtain document attachments
・Document ID: Embed the document ID obtained in advance from the trigger in ①.
・File ID: Embed the list of attachment IDs obtained in advance from the trigger in ①.
※ For settings on dynamically embedding outputs, please refer here. https://intercom.help/yoom/ja/articles/8223528
③ From the + mark, select the operation to read text from images/PDFs, configure the following settings, and test/save.
・Action: Select "Read contract (10 tasks)".
・Attachment method: Select "Use obtained value" and set the obtained file from ② as a candidate.
・Items to extract: Obtain the following by default. If there are other values you wish to obtain, please input additionally.
※ "Subject", "Signer 1: Company Name", "Signer 1: Name", "Signer 2: Company Name", "Signer 2: Name", "Signing Date", "Expiration Date"
※ If the above default items are not included in the contract, they will not be obtained.
※ For detailed setup methods, please refer here. https://intercom.help/yoom/ja/articles/8679686
④ From the + mark, select the operation to manipulate the database, press kintone, configure the following settings, and test/save.
・Action: Select "Update record". ・App ID: Select the ID of the prepared kintone app from the candidates.
・Record condition to update: Specify the field to the specified field (such as company name), set it as equal, and embed the company name obtained from the reading in ③.
・Value of the updated record: Input values only in the necessary parts for the update. For example, if there is a field called contract status, set it to "Concluded".
・Detailed settings: Turn off "Operation when no matching record is found" in "Action settings when search fails".
※ This is just an example, so please configure the kintone settings according to your environment.
⑤ From the + mark, select the branching operation, configure the following settings, and save.
・Operation: Select the operation from ④. ・Output: Select the record number.
・Condition: Set the output to be empty. ・Value: Leave it blank.
⑥ From the + mark in other directions, select the operation to integrate with the app, press Slack, and configure the following settings.
・Action: Select "Send message to channel". ・Channel ID to post: Select the specified channel ID from the candidates.
・Message content: Set an arbitrary message.
⑦ From the + mark in the direction where the output is empty, select the operation to request a response from the person in charge, and configure the following settings.
・Person in charge: Select an arbitrary person in charge.
・Message: State that the information read from the contract did not match the information in kintone, and embed the information message read from ③ to request the person in charge to directly edit the record in kintone.
⑧ From the + mark, select the operation to move, select the Slack operation set in ⑥, and complete the setup.
・Integration with Yoom is required for CloudSign, kintone, and Slack respectively.
・This flow can only be used when there is one document on CloudSign.
・Please replace the contract details and notification content with arbitrary values for use.