When the status related to billing is updated in kintone, the detailed information in the table is retrieved.
Then, using the detailed information, an invoice is issued using a pre-prepared spreadsheet invoice template and sent via email.
The actual spreadsheet invoice template being used (view-only access is granted)
■Creation Method
① Select the action to trigger when the status in kintone is updated (Webhook activation) via the app trigger, configure the following settings, and save.
・Copy the Webhook URL and configure the Webhook settings on the kintone side.
・Actually change the status, return to the Yoom trigger settings screen, and test to confirm if the request was successful.
※ It is recommended to use Webhook activation, which has a small time lag between status change and trigger activation.
※ For kintone Webhook settings, please refer here.
② Press the + mark, select kintone from the operation to manipulate the database, choose the action to input the target app ID and retrieve records, then configure the following settings, test, and save.
・ Set the search condition to equal the record number, and embed the record ID obtained in step ① as {{Record ID}}.
※ For detailed settings on dynamically embedding outputs, please refer here.
③ Press the + mark, select kintone from the operation to manipulate the database, choose the action to retrieve multiple subtables of a specific record, then select the specified app ID and the field code of the target subtable from the candidates, configure the following settings, test, and save.
・ Set the condition for the target record to equal the record ID, and embed the record number obtained in the trigger of step ① as {{Record Number}}.
・ Set the condition for the rows of the subtable you want to retrieve to ensure that columns with values (such as item names) are not empty, so that all target table data can be retrieved.
④ Press the + mark, select the spreadsheet from the operation to issue documents, configure the following settings, test, and save.
・Spreadsheet ID: Select the spreadsheet ID used as the invoice template from the candidates.
・Folder ID to store in Google Drive: Select the folder ID to store the document after issuance from the candidates.
・File name: Set an arbitrary file name.
・String to replace: Embed the values obtained in steps ② and ③ for the corresponding strings.
※ For the method of setting the operation to issue documents, please refer here.
⑤ Select the operation to send an email, choose any email tool, configure the following settings, and save.
・To: Embed if the address was obtained in step ②.
・Subject, Body: Enter each. It is also possible to embed the values obtained in step ②.
・Attachment: Select to use the output, and choose the issued document as the value.
※ Actual flowbot operation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QM_-Y2rR_bw