This process is triggered when a new meeting minutes is registered in the Notion database. It uses AI to automatically generate a summary and notifies the summary to Slack.
Meeting or event minutes can be smoothly summarized and quickly shared with stakeholders.
Create a database in Notion for storing meeting minutes in advance.
* Please refer to this actual example.
■Setup Method
① Select Notion from the app triggers in the trigger section and press the action when a page is created or updated in a specific database.
② Enter the launch interval and database ID, then test and save.
* For common errors with Notion integration, please see here. https://intercom.help/yoom/ja/articles/8687023
③ Press the + mark, select Notion from the operations to manipulate the database, retrieve records from the action (ID search), enter the same database ID as the trigger, and proceed to the next step.
④ Set the search condition as "Record ID is equal" and embed the object ID obtained in the trigger of step ① as {{object ID}}, then test and save.
⑤ Press the + mark, select "Summarize text within ●● characters" from the summarize operation, set it as follows, then test and save.
・Text to summarize: Embed the output of the minutes property obtained in the database operation of step ④.
・Number of characters: Enter the desired number of characters.
・Summary conditions: Enter the desired summary conditions.
* If a large number of characters is expected in the minutes, please select within 15,000 characters.
* For detailed summary settings, please refer here. https://intercom.help/yoom/ja/articles/8675551
* For details on dynamic embedding settings of output, please refer here. https://intercom.help/yoom/ja/articles/8223528
⑥ Press the mark, select the action to send a message to a Slack channel from the operations to integrate with the app, set it as follows, then test, save, and complete the setup.
・Channel ID to post: Select the specified channel ID you want to notify from the options.
・Message: Enter any message. You can also embed the summarized minutes from step ⑤ as output.
・Be sure to register the minutes by adding a new row.
* Notion triggers activate when a page in the database is newly created or updated, so if you want to trigger only on new creations, please note the above.