New contact information registered in HubSpot will be recorded in a specified Google Spreadsheet.
It is possible to automatically transfer basic information such as the contact's name, email address, and phone number without accessing the spreadsheet.
Prepare a spreadsheet in advance with specified column names to store HubSpot information.
■Setup Method
① Select HubSpot from the app trigger, perform the following settings, and test and save.
・Action: Select "When a new contact is created".
・Trigger interval: Set to 5 minutes.
② Press the + mark, select the spreadsheet from the operation to manipulate the database, perform the following settings, and test and save.
・Action: Select "Add a record".
・Spreadsheet ID: Select the ID of the prepared storage spreadsheet from the options.
・Spreadsheet tab name: Select the target sheet name from the options.・Table range: Select the entire range including column names. For example, if column names are entered from A1 to E1, set it as A1:E
・Values of the records to be added: Embed using the output obtained in ① corresponding to the displayed column names.
※ For the definition of the range of spreadsheet operations, see here. https://intercom.help/yoom/ja/articles/8703465
※ Common error causes when manipulating the database are here. https://intercom.help/yoom/ja/articles/5521559
※ For detailed settings on dynamically embedding output, please refer here. https://intercom.help/yoom/ja/articles/8223528
・It is necessary to set the account information to be linked in each app's operation.
・For integration (My App Registration), please refer here https://intercom.help/yoom/ja/collections/3041779
・Please replace the information in the Google Spreadsheet with any desired values for use.