This flow adds an event to Google Calendar and notifies Slack when a response is submitted to a Yoom form.
You can automate the entire process from adding to the calendar to notification with just the form response.
・You need to register (link) your My Apps with the apps you will use in advance. Below is a reference guide for linking.
※There may not be a detailed guide available for apps that can be linked simply.
・To set the end time in Google Calendar, you need to calculate the end time from the start time using a function in a spreadsheet.
※In this case, a function is set to obtain the time one hour after the start. Depending on the function settings, you can also set it to 30 minutes or more than an hour.
■Spreadsheet with the actual function set (view-only access. Please copy if you wish to use it.)
■Creation Method
① Select the form trigger, set the following, and save.
・Each question item: Set the question items such as name, contact information, desired date, and time for the reservation form.
・Obtained values: You can enter demo values on the next page. Please enter demo values as they will be used in the subsequent test.
※There is no data type for time, so set it as text format and include instructions in the description field, such as "Please enter in the format of half-width numbers and : like 15:00".
※For detailed form settings, please refer here. https://intercom.help/yoom/ja/articles/8009267
② Press the + mark under the trigger, select Google Spreadsheet from the operations to link with the app, set the following, and test and save.
・Action: Enter value in cell
・Spreadsheet ID: Click the field and select the prepared spreadsheet containing the function from the displayed candidates.
・Sheet name: Click the field and select the target sheet from the displayed candidates.
・Target cell: Set the cell to enter the start time obtained from the form. In this example, it is set to A2.
・Value: Embed the start time obtained from the form in ① like {{○○}}. (Embed the output)
The end time is required when setting up Google Calendar later. This operation is necessary to calculate the end time from the start time using a function in the spreadsheet.
※For embedding the output, please refer here. https://intercom.help/yoom/ja/articles/8223528
③ Press the + mark, select Google Spreadsheet from the operations to link with the app, set the following, and test and save.
・Action: Retrieve value
・Spreadsheet ID: Click the field and select the prepared spreadsheet containing the function from the displayed candidates.
・Sheet name: Click the field and select the target sheet from the displayed candidates.
・Range: Set the range of the cell where the end time is reflected by the function. In this example, it is set to B2.
・Direction: Select column direction.
This operation allows you to retrieve the end time reflected by the function.
④ Press the + mark, select Google Calendar from the operations to link with the app, set the following, and test and save.
・Action: Create event
・Calendar ID: Click the field and select the ID you want to reflect from the displayed candidates. (Usually, it will be the address of your Google account)
・Event title: Enter the event title. You can also embed the value obtained from the form in ①.
・Event start date: Embed the date value obtained from the form in ① like {{○○}}.
・Event start time: Embed the time value obtained from the form in ① like {{○○}}.
・Event end date: Embed the date value obtained from the form in ① like {{○○}}.
・Event end time: Embed the end time value derived from the function obtained from the spreadsheet in ③ like {{○○}}.
・Event description (optional): Enter any description. You can also embed the value obtained from the form in ①.
⑤ Press the + mark, select Slack from the operations to link with the app, set the following, and test and save.
・Action: Send message to channel
・Channel ID to post to: Click the field and select the channel you want to send to from the displayed candidates.
・Message: Enter any message. You can also embed the values obtained so far as shown below.
A meeting reservation has been made.
・Name: {{Name}}
・Schedule: {{Desired date}} {{Desired start time}}
・Questions: {{Questions for the day}}