Flowbot Templates
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When order information is registered in ecforce, notify Slack and add it to Google Sheets.
When order information is registered in ecforce, it is notified to Slack and added to Google Spreadsheet. This flow reduces the burden on staff and prevents human errors, improving the speed and accuracy of analysis work and enabling quick responses to urgent orders and special requests.
Check the registration status of the qualified invoice issuing business entity for the invoice received in Outlook using the Qualified Invoice Issuer Public System and notify LINE WORKS.
This is a flow to check the registration status of qualified invoice issuing businesses in the Qualified Invoice Issuer Public System for invoices received in Outlook and notify LINE WORKS. By eliminating the need for manual verification, accounting operations can proceed smoothly.
When the opportunity status in Salesforce becomes "Closed Won," create an inbound request in OpenLogi.
When the opportunity status in Salesforce becomes "Closed Won," this flow creates a warehouse entry request in OpenLogi. It helps prevent transcription errors and delays in request creation. By shortening the lead time until warehouse entry, it is expected to improve customer satisfaction through more efficient product shipping.
When an employee is deleted in kintone, stop using Sokyu immediately.
When an employee is deleted in kintone, this flow stops the use of Sokyu immediately. It reduces the workload for HR and payroll personnel. Additionally, it prevents forgetting to revoke permissions due to human error and maintains consistency between systems, enabling centralized data management.
Create a folder in Google Drive when a specific message is sent in Google Chat.
This is a flow where a folder is created in Google Drive when a specific message is sent in Google Chat. It helps reduce the time spent on creating folders and organizing files, and ensures consistent document management by preventing omissions in creation and naming errors.
Create a folder in Google Drive when a specific message is sent in LINE WORKS
This is a flow that creates a folder in Google Drive when a specific message is sent in LINE WORKS. It helps reduce the time spent on folder creation and file organization, and ensures consistent document management by preventing omissions and naming errors.
Create a folder in Google Drive when a specific message is sent in Microsoft Teams
This is a flow that creates a folder in Google Drive when a specific message is sent in Microsoft Teams. It not only reduces the time spent on creating folders and organizing files but also ensures consistent document management by preventing omissions in creation and naming errors.
When a specific message is sent in Chatwork, create a folder in Google Drive.
This is a flow where a folder is created in Google Drive when a specific message is sent in Chatwork. It helps reduce the time spent on folder creation and file organization, and ensures consistent document management by preventing omissions and naming errors.
Check the registration status of the qualified invoice issuing business operator for invoices received in Outlook using the Qualified Invoice Issuing Business Operator Publication System and notify Microsoft Teams.
This is a flow to verify the registration status of a qualified invoice issuing business in the Qualified Invoice Issuer Public System for invoices received in Outlook and notify Microsoft Teams. You can automate the verification of the registration status of the qualified invoice issuer number based on the contents of the invoice.
Add information registered in Rakuraku Sales to Bubble.
This is a flow for adding information registered in Raku-Raku Sales to Bubble. By seamlessly registering data to Bubble, you can always check the latest data and proceed with your work smoothly.
When the status is updated in Raku-Raku Sales, create an invoice in freee Invoices.
When the status is updated in RakuRaku Sales, this flow creates an invoice in freee Invoices. By automatically creating an invoice when the status of a RakuRaku Sales record is updated to a specified value, it helps prevent transcription errors and reduces operational burden.
When the status is updated in Raku-Raku Sales, create an invoice in Money Forward Cloud Invoicing.
When the status is updated in Raku-Raku Sales, this flow creates an invoice in Money Forward Cloud Invoice. Since invoice creation can be initiated based on the status in Raku-Raku Sales, manual operations in Money Forward Cloud Invoice are unnecessary, allowing for more efficient business processes.
Check the registration status of the qualified invoice issuer for invoices received in Outlook using the Qualified Invoice Issuer Public System and notify via Chatwork.
This is a flow to verify the registration status of a qualified invoice issuing business in the Qualified Invoice Issuing Business Publication System for invoices received in Outlook and notify Chatwork. It allows seamless processing from receiving the invoice to verifying the number.
Register transaction information managed in RakuRaku Sales into Money Forward Kakebarai.
This is the flow for registering transaction information managed in Raku-Raku Sales to Money Forward Kakebarai. It helps prevent input errors and omissions in manual work, thereby enhancing the accuracy of management tasks. Additionally, it can reduce the man-hours required for transcription work.
When the Salesforce opportunity stage is updated to a specific phase, retrieve the company information, create a client in freee Accounting, and issue an invoice.
When the Salesforce opportunity stage is updated to a specific phase, this flow retrieves company information, creates a client in freee Accounting, and issues an invoice. By using this flow, you can streamline data entry tasks and invoice issuance operations.
When the stage of a contact in Hubspot is updated to a specific stage, retrieve the value of a custom property, create a client in freee Accounting, and issue an invoice.
When the stage of a deal in Hubspot is updated to a specific stage, this flow retrieves the value of a custom property, creates a deal in freee Accounting, and issues an invoice. By using this flow, the tasks of information transcription and invoice issuance are streamlined.
Store the daily report created in Notion in Google Sheets as well.
This is a flow for storing daily reports created in Notion into Google Sheets. By using this flow, you can automatically transfer daily reports created in Notion to Google Sheets. The accumulated information can be used to adjust the amount of tasks assigned or for personnel evaluations.
Store the daily report created in Notion in Microsoft Excel as well.
This is a flow for storing daily reports created in Notion into Microsoft Excel. By using this flow, you can automatically transfer daily reports created in Notion to Microsoft Excel. You can use the accumulated information to adjust the amount of tasks assigned or for personnel evaluations.
Read the vehicle inspection certificate using OCR and enter it into Microsoft Excel.
This is a flow for reading vehicle inspection certificates using OCR and entering the data into Microsoft Excel. By utilizing this flow, data entry tasks are automated, improving work efficiency. Reducing manual tasks also helps prevent human errors such as input mistakes.
Read the vehicle inspection certificate using OCR and enter it into kintone.
The flow involves reading vehicle inspection certificates using OCR and inputting the data into kintone. By utilizing this flow, data entry tasks are automated, improving work efficiency. Reducing manual tasks also helps prevent human errors such as input mistakes.
When a Hubspot contact reaches a specific status, issue a document in Microsoft Excel.
When a Hubspot contact reaches a specific status, this flow generates a document in Microsoft Excel. By using this flow, document issuance tasks are automated, improving work efficiency. The time saved can be effectively utilized for other tasks, leading to increased productivity.
When a Hubspot contact reaches a specific status, generate a document in Google Docs.
When a Hubspot contact reaches a specific status, this flow generates a document in Google Docs. By using this flow, document issuance tasks are automated, improving work efficiency. The time saved can be effectively utilized for other tasks, leading to increased productivity.
When a Hubspot contact reaches a specific status, generate a document in Google Sheets.
When a Hubspot contact reaches a specific status, this flow generates a document in Google Sheets. By using this flow, document issuance tasks are automated, improving work efficiency. The time saved can be effectively utilized for other tasks, leading to increased productivity.
Register a meeting schedule with a customer from Zoho CRM to Google Calendar and send the meeting URL via Outlook.
This is a flow to register meeting schedules with customers from Zoho CRM to Google Calendar and send the meeting URL via Outlook. By consistently managing meeting schedules in Zoho CRM and Google Calendar, it is possible to enhance the accuracy of schedule management.
Register a meeting schedule with a customer from Salesforce to Google Calendar and send the meeting URL via Outlook.
This is a flow to register a meeting schedule with a customer from Salesforce to Google Calendar and send the meeting URL via Outlook. It is possible to automate the registration of meeting schedules and reminders to customers starting from the record registration in Salesforce.
Send a reminder from the official LINE account the day before the reservation based on the reservation information on kintone.
This flow sends a reminder from the official LINE account the day before a reservation based on the reservation information on kintone. The reminder is automatically sent even if the day before the reservation is a holiday, helping to prevent last-minute cancellations or no-shows on the day of the reservation.
From new opportunities in Salesforce, review articles with RISK EYES and send notifications via Slack.
This is a flow where new cases on Salesforce are reviewed with RISK EYES and notifications are sent via Slack. By automating risk investigation using RISK EYES and the notification of investigation results, it is possible to improve operational efficiency.
When the specified schedule arrives, retrieve the issues in Jira Software and add them to a Google Spreadsheet.
When the specified schedule arrives, this flow retrieves issues from Jira Software and adds them to a Google Spreadsheet. Since the status can be set to any value, it allows for speedy sharing of issues tailored to your needs.
When an email is received in LINE WORKS, create a reply suggestion using ChatGPT and notify LINE WORKS.
When an email is received in LINE WORKS, a reply draft is created using ChatGPT and notified in LINE WORKS. This flow contributes to faster response to inquiries, maintaining the quality of customer service, improving work efficiency, and reducing the burden on staff.
When an employee is registered in SmartHR, register them in Office Station as well.
When an employee is registered in SmartHR, they are also registered in Office Station through this flow. Automatic synchronization reduces the risk of human error during data entry and improves the accuracy of HR data. Additionally, it reduces workload and facilitates a smooth start for new employees.
When an employee is registered in freee HR, register them in Office Station as well.
This is a flow for registering employees in Office Station once they are registered in freee HR. Automatic synchronization reduces the risk of human error during data entry, improving the accuracy of HR data. Additionally, it reduces the workload and facilitates a smooth start for new employees.
Google スプレッドシートで行が更新されたら、マネーフォワード クラウド経費の従業員情報を削除する
Google スプレッドシートで行が更新されたら、マネーフォワード クラウド経費の従業員情報を削除するフローです。このフローを利用すると、情報更新作業が自動化され、作業効率が向上します。余った時間を他の業務に有効活用できるので、生産性向上に寄与します。
Google スプレッドシートで行が追加されたら、マネーフォワード クラウド経費に従業員を登録する
Google スプレッドシートで行が追加されたら、マネーフォワード クラウド経費に従業員を登録するフローです。このフローを利用すると、情報転記作業が自動化され、作業効率が向上します。余った時間を他の業務に有効活用できるので、生産性向上に寄与します。
Salesforce上の顧客情報を取得して、マネーフォワード クラウド請求書で発注書を送付する
Salesforce上の顧客情報を取得して、マネーフォワード クラウド請求書で発注書を送付するフローです。このフローを利用すると、定型的に発生するメール送信作業が自動化されます。作業時間が短縮されるため、余った時間を他の業務に充てることができ、生産性向上に寄与します。
kintone上の顧客情報を取得して、マネーフォワード クラウド請求書で発注書を送付する
kintone上の顧客情報を取得して、マネーフォワード クラウド請求書で発注書を送付するフローです。このフローを利用すると、定型的に発生するメール送信作業が自動化されます。作業時間が短縮されるため、余った時間を他の業務に充てることができ、生産性向上に寄与します。
Google スプレッドシート上の顧客情報を取得して、マネーフォワード クラウド請求書で 発注書を送付する
Google スプレッドシート上の顧客情報を取得して、マネーフォワード クラウド請求書で発注書を送付するフローです。このフローを利用すると、定型的に発生するメール送信作業が自動化されます。作業時間が短縮されるため、余った時間を他の業務に充てることができ、生産性向上に寄与します。
Microsoft Excel上の顧客情報を取得して、マネーフォワード クラウド請求書で発注書を送付する
Microsoft Excel上の顧客情報を取得して、マネーフォワード クラウド請求書で発注書を送付するフローです。このフローを利用すると、定型的に発生するメール送信作業が自動化されます。作業時間が短縮されるため、余った時間を他の業務に充てることができ、生産性向上に寄与します。
発送伝票の情報をOCRで読み取り、Google スプレッドシートに格納する
発送伝票の情報をOCRで読み取り、Google スプレッドシートに格納するフローです。このフローを利用すると、情報転記作業が自動化され、業務効率化を図れます。自動化により、入力ミスなどのヒューマンエラーの削減にもつながるため、正確な情報管理が実現します。
発送伝票の情報をOCRで読み取り、Microsoft Excelに格納する
発送伝票の情報をOCRで読み取り、Microsoft Excelに格納するフローです。このフローを利用すると、情報転記作業が自動化され、業務効率化を図れます。自動化により、入力ミスなどのヒューマンエラーの削減にもつながるため、正確な情報管理が実現します。
When a supplier is registered in kintone, also add it to Money Forward Cloud Debt Payment.
When a supplier is registered in kintone, it is also added to Money Forward Cloud Debt Payment. This flow reduces the burden on the person in charge, allowing more time to be spent on strategic tasks, and improves the accuracy of debt management by preventing human errors.
Once an order recipient is registered in JUST.DB, also add it to Money Forward Cloud Debt Payment.
When an order is registered in JUST.DB, it is also registered in Money Forward Cloud Debt Payment. This flow reduces the burden on the person in charge, allowing more time for strategic tasks, and improves the accuracy of debt management by preventing human errors.
When a vendor is registered in Salesforce, also add it to Money Forward Cloud Debt Payment.
When a vendor is registered in Salesforce, it is also registered in Money Forward Cloud Debt Payment. This flow reduces the burden on the person in charge, allowing more time for strategic tasks, and improves the accuracy of debt management by preventing human errors.
When a supplier is registered in Raku-Raku Sales, also add it to Money Forward Cloud Debt Payment.
When a supplier is registered in Raku-Raku Sales, it is also registered in Money Forward Cloud Debt Payment. This flow reduces the burden on the person in charge, allowing more time to be allocated to strategic tasks, and by preventing human errors, it leads to improved accuracy in debt management.
Every day, retrieve daily report data from Fileforce and notify directly.
Every day, a flow retrieves daily report data from Fileforce and notifies it directly. This allows the person in charge to focus on other core tasks. By being notified directly, it becomes possible to promote understanding of the overall situation and information sharing within the team.
毎日、Fileforceで日報データを取得しGoogle Chatに通知する
Every day, this flow retrieves daily report data from Fileforce and sends a notification to Google Chat.
Outlookで特定の件名のメールを受信したらMicrosoft Teamsに通知する
件名が特定の条件にマッチしたOutlookのメール内容をMicrosoft Teamsに通知するフローです。このフローを利用すると、受信したメールを日常的に利用しているチャットに自動で通知することができます。必要な情報をチャットで受け取ることができるので、情報の見落としを防止できます。
件名が特定の条件にマッチしたOutlookのメール内容をLINE WORKSに通知する
件名が特定の条件にマッチしたOutlookのメール内容をLINE WORKSに通知するフローです。このフローを利用すると、受信したメールを日常的に利用しているチャットに自動で通知することができます。必要な情報をチャットで受け取ることができるので、情報の見落としを防止できます。
本文やタイトルが特定の条件にマッチしたGmailのメール内容をMicrosoft Teamsに通知する
本文やタイトルが特定の条件にマッチしたGmailのメール内容をMicrosoft Teamsに通知するフローです。このフローを利用すると、受信したメールをMicrosoft Teamsに自動で通知することができます。必要な情報をチャットで受け取ることができるので、情報の見落としを防止できます。
Outlookで受け取ったアンケート結果をGoogle スプレッドシートに格納する
Outlookで受け取ったアンケート結果をGoogle スプレッドシートに格納するフローです。このフローを利用すると、情報転記作業が不要になるため、業務効率化につながります。作業時間が短縮されるため、他の業務に時間を充てることができ、生産性向上につながります。
Outlookで受け取ったアンケート結果をMicrosoft Excelに格納する
Outlookで受け取ったアンケート結果をMicrosoft Excelに格納するフローです。このフローを利用すると、情報転記作業が不要になるため、業務効率化につながります。作業時間が短縮されるため、他の業務に時間を充てることができ、生産性向上につながります。
Gmailで受け取ったアンケート結果をGoogle スプレッドシートに格納する
Gmailで受け取ったアンケート結果をGoogle スプレッドシートに格納するフローです。このフローを利用すると、情報転記作業が不要になるため、業務効率化につながります。作業時間が短縮されるため、他の業務に時間を充てることができ、生産性向上につながります。
Gmailで受け取ったアンケート結果をMicrosoft Excelに格納する
Gmailで受け取ったアンケート結果をMicrosoft Excelに格納するフローです。このフローを利用すると、情報転記作業が不要になるため、業務効率化につながります。作業時間が短縮されるため、他の業務に時間を充てることができ、生産性向上につながります。
カタログや手書き文字をOCRで読み取って、Google スプレッドシートに追加する
カタログや手書き文字をOCRで読み取って、Google スプレッドシートに追加するフローです。このフローを利用すると、画像データからAIが自動で文字を読み取り、情報入力を自動化することができます。転記作業が不要になるため、作業負担が軽減し、生産性向上に寄与します。
カタログや手書き文字をOCRで読み取って、Microsoft Excelに追加する
カタログや手書き文字をOCRで読み取って、Microsoft Excelに追加するフローです。このフローを利用すると、画像データからAIが自動で文字を読み取り、情報入力を自動化することができます。転記作業が不要になるため、作業負担が軽減し、生産性向上に寄与します。
Google Workspaceで従業員が登録されたらトヨクモ安否確認サービス2に登録する
Google Workspaceで従業員が登録されたらトヨクモ安否確認サービス2に登録するフローです。このフローを利用すると、情報転記作業が不要になるため、作業効率が向上します。余った時間で他の業務を進めることができるため、生産性向上に寄与します。
Get my schedule for today from Google Calendar every day and add it to the LINE WORKS calendar.
This is a flow to retrieve your schedule for the day from Google Calendar and add it to the LINE WORKS calendar every day. By consolidating your schedule in LINE WORKS, you can quickly check the contents planned for the day.
Regularly send reminder notifications on Chatwork
This is a flow for sending regular reminder notifications in Chatwork. By utilizing reminders, you can prevent omissions in your tasks, ensuring that you complete the necessary actions in your daily work. Additionally, you can set any room in Chatwork.
Send regular reminder notifications on LINE WORKS.
This is a flow for sending regular reminder notifications in LINE WORKS. The notification date and time can be set arbitrarily, and it can be customized according to the content you want to remind. Additionally, you can also notify the entire team with reminders.
Notify LINE WORKS when the opportunity stage in Salesforce is set to Closed Won.
This is a flow that sends a notification to LINE WORKS when the opportunity stage in Salesforce is set to "Closed Won".
When a message is sent on Channel Talk, add the content to Airtable.
When a message is sent via Channel Talk, the content is added to Airtable in a flow. Since regular expressions can be set to any value, it is possible to automatically aggregate the necessary information. This eliminates the need for manual transcription work, allowing you to focus on customer support.
When the opportunity stage in Salesforce is completed, notify Microsoft Teams.
This is a flow that sends a notification to Microsoft Teams when the opportunity stage in Salesforce is set to Closed Won.
Notify Chatwork when the opportunity stage in Salesforce is completed.
This is a flow that sends a notification to Chatwork when the opportunity stage in Salesforce is set to Closed Won.
Notify Slack when the opportunity stage in Salesforce is set to Closed Won.
This is a flow that sends a notification to Slack when the opportunity stage in Salesforce is set to Closed Won.
When a message is sent in Microsoft Teams, add the content to Airtable.
When a message is sent in Microsoft Teams, this flow adds the content to Airtable. By converting the message using regular expressions, it is possible to aggregate the necessary information in Airtable, allowing for efficient organization of information.
Register the client information submitted through the HubSpot form into Money Forward Cloud Accounting.
This is a flow for registering client information submitted through HubSpot forms into Money Forward Cloud Accounting. By using this flow, the task of transferring information is automated, improving operational efficiency. As work time is reduced, you can focus on other tasks, contributing to increased productivity.
Register the client information submitted via Google Forms into Money Forward Cloud Accounting.
This is a flow for registering client information submitted through Google Forms into Money Forward Cloud Accounting. By using this flow, the process of transferring information is automated, which can improve operational efficiency. As the working time is reduced, you can focus on other tasks, contributing to increased productivity.
Once the contract is completed with CloudSign, register the business partner in Money Forward Cloud Accounting.
Once the contract is completed with CloudSign, this is the flow to register the client in Money Forward Cloud Accounting. By using this flow, the process of transferring information is automated, leading to improved operational efficiency. As the working time is reduced, you can focus on other tasks, contributing to increased productivity.
When a message is sent in Google Chat, add the content to Airtable.
When a message is sent in Google Chat, this flow adds the content to Airtable. By converting Google Chat messages using regular expressions, you can efficiently check the necessary information and reduce the burden when reviewing it later.
Once the contract is completed with GMO Sign, register the business partner in Money Forward Cloud Accounting.
Once the contract is completed with GMO Sign, this flow registers the client in Money Forward Cloud Accounting. By using this flow, the task of transferring information is automated, leading to improved operational efficiency. As the working time is reduced, you can focus on other tasks, contributing to increased productivity.
Once approved in CollaboFlow, register the client in Money Forward Cloud Accounting.
Once approved in CollaboFlow, this flow registers the client in Money Forward Cloud Accounting. By using this flow, the task of transferring information is automated, leading to improved operational efficiency. As the working time is reduced, you can focus on other tasks, contributing to increased productivity.
Register a client in Money Forward Cloud Accounting once it is approved in Garoon.
This is a flow for registering a client in Money Forward Cloud Accounting once it is approved in Garoon. By using this flow, the task of transferring information is automated, leading to improved operational efficiency. As work time is reduced, you can focus on other tasks, contributing to increased productivity.
Once approved in Jobcan Expense Management and Workflow, register the client in Money Forward Cloud Accounting.
When approved in Jobcan Expense Settlement/Workflow, this flow registers the client in Money Forward Cloud Accounting. By using this flow, the task of transferring information is automated, leading to improved operational efficiency. As work time is reduced, you can focus on other tasks, contributing to increased productivity.
When the status is changed in Google Sheets, register the journal entry data in Money Forward Cloud Accounting.
When the status is changed in Google Sheets, this flow registers journal entry data in Money Forward Cloud Accounting. By using this flow, the task of transferring information is automated, leading to improved operational efficiency. As work time is reduced, you can focus on other tasks, contributing to increased productivity.
Register a client in Money Forward Cloud Accounting when the status is changed in Google Sheets.
When the status is changed in Google Sheets, this flow registers the client in Money Forward Cloud Accounting. By using this flow, the task of transferring information is automated, which improves work efficiency. As the working time is shortened, you can concentrate on other tasks, contributing to increased productivity.
When the status is changed in Notion, register the client in Money Forward Cloud Accounting.
When the status is changed in Notion, this flow registers the client in Money Forward Cloud Accounting. By using this flow, the task of transferring information is automated, improving work efficiency. As the working time is reduced, you can focus on other tasks, contributing to increased productivity.
When a message is sent in Chatwork, add the content to Airtable.
This is a flow where when a message is sent in Chatwork, the content is added to Airtable. Since regular expressions can be set to any value, you can customize the content to be added to Airtable according to your business needs.
When the opportunity stage is changed in Salesforce, register the client in Money Forward Cloud Accounting.
This is a flow for registering a client in Money Forward Cloud Accounting when the opportunity stage is changed in Salesforce. By using this flow, the process of transcribing information is automated, improving operational efficiency. As the working time is reduced, you can focus on other tasks, contributing to increased productivity.
When the status is changed in HubSpot, register the client in Money Forward Cloud Accounting.
When the status is changed in HubSpot, this flow registers the client in Money Forward Cloud Accounting. By using this flow, the task of transferring information is automated, which improves operational efficiency. As the working time is reduced, you can focus on other tasks, contributing to increased productivity.
When the status is changed in Airtable, register the client in Money Forward Cloud Accounting.
When the status is changed in Airtable, this flow registers the client in Money Forward Cloud Accounting. By using this flow, the task of transferring information is automated, improving operational efficiency. As work time is reduced, you can focus on other tasks, contributing to increased productivity.